I turned around and looked at my mom one last time as I fumbled to find my boarding pass. In my head I was saying “goodbye” to Brett-the-kid and saying “hello” to Brett-the-adult. I turned back and started walking towards my gate saying to myself, “don’t look back. The biggest adventure of your life starts right now. Only look forward and embrace what lies ahead.”
Thirty years ago today, after selling just about everything I owned, I moved to Washington, DC. I had no job. I had no friends. I had no idea what I was doing, but I had never felt more confident about the decision I made.
Today I’m in an eerily similar spot. I left my job of 19 years, retired from the federal government after nearly 30 years of public service, am in the job market and, once again, feel so confident about this major life decision.
Moving to DC in 1995 was the best decision I ever made for myself. While it hasn’t been (as I like to say) all glitter and unicorns, I have been lucky enough to make some incredible friends, be put into some remarkable situations, participate in events to change hearts and minds about issues important to me and have jobs that I legitimately love. I have also had to unexpectedly say goodbye to close friends, several family members and a few pets. Despite the bumps and hurdles, overall, it’s been a very fun 30 years.
So here we are, opening a new chapter and looking towards the future. Stay tuned here for more documentation of my professional experiences, longstanding and new hobbies, misadventures and whatever else piques my writing muse.
Oh, and if you’re hiring…