Business Web

The Bland Brettrospective

As I rekindled my blog I realized its custom theme hadn’t been touched in nearly seven years so as I design and develop the new one I plan to document my decisions and the things I learn here.


Where Have I Been?

With an already demanding full-time job, I was burning the candle at both ends trying to meet the needs of my clients and the demands of my job and in early 2013 I burnt out.


On ExpressionEngine vs. WordPress

Because I was already using ExpressionEngine on a daily basis, I felt that I needed to use WordPress on a website that I would also work with daily so that I would become equally as familiar with it. And so I chose WordPress to be the CMS for



I’m well on my way to executing my Three Step Plan of becoming more familiar with and better at coding for two brilliantly executed, powerhouse web publishing platforms, honing my design skills and preparing better content, continuing my education and becoming an active, beneficial voice in the community.