I started Brettro in 2005 as a side hustle to flex my design muscle in ways that I could not at my full-time gig. I had a great run with it. I did some work for which I’m very proud and learned quite a bit about running a small business. After about ten years, I closed the doors on the business. I had burnt out trying to balance a very demanding full-time job and managing a small, part-time business (that often times stretched into a full-time business.).
Now, embarking on this new chapter of my life, it feels like a great time to restart the side hustle. So, Brettro’s lights are back on and over the next few weeks you’ll see this website expand beyond just this blog to also describe the products and services Brettro offers. In the meantime, if you need:
- Web content, coding, user interface design, or
- Identity creation or management, or
- Print materials of just about any kind designed, or
- Video post-production completed…
…give me a shout. I’m interested.